Wicca For Self-Transformation
Use Magic To Transform Your Life by Marie Bruce
Arcturus Publishing
A powerful new life of magical possibility awaits you... Become the person you've always wanted to be with this beautiful hardback guide to Wicca and it's transformative practices. Is there an aspect of your life that you'd like to change? Perhaps you'd like to have more confidence, a better self-image, improved relationships, and greater financial or career success? This illuminating guide uses the practice of Wicca - the world's fastest-growing branch of witchcraft - to empower you to bring these changes into reality
There are many different types of witches, but this book will focus on the main branch of the Craft, known as Wicca. It is a magical system that merges together spells, rituals, celebrations and a reverence for nature. It is a spiritual system of duality, one that worships both a Goddess and a God. It is a form of slow living, wherein the practitioners, known as Wiccans, take the time to honour the turning of the seasons, to celebrate the phases of the moon, and the turning of the tides. Wicca, as a practice, is a welcome relief from the frenetic, technology-driven world in which we live and a way to connect with our ancestors. Wiccan belief is rooted in nature and has a strong, recognisable morality. This illuminating guide by a practising Wiccan will explain how readers can use Wicca to self-transform their lives for the better..
Pub Date: 2023
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
Size: 6.88(h) x 8.46(w) inches